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Plans & Service

Tech Partners

Embrace digital partnerships with leading brands worldwide. Simplify your integration with advertisers through our platform and gain practical support from our local teams.

Easier integration with our Universal Tag

Easier integration with our Universal Tag

Effortlessly launch your campaigns through easy integration with your advertisers’ websites. Our Universal Tag gives you a ready-made container for your tags to speed up the integration process and allow you to start earning sooner.

Choose exclusive brand campaigns

Choose exclusive brand campaigns

Discover campaigns only available through our platform to give your audience access to attractive offers. Browse our directory of the current campaigns from major brands to broaden your choice of profitable partnerships.

Expert help to create appealing opportunities for brands

Expert help to create appealing opportunities for brands

Promote your offerings to advertisers with the help of our local campaign teams. Work with our experienced specialists to develop opportunities for leading brands and get support closing beneficial deals.

Unlock fast and flexible payment options

Unlock fast and flexible payment options

Express Pay allows you to withdraw funds up to 8 weeks earlier, while our Faster Payments option pays you once your sales are validated. With all our payment methods, you get paid in your choice of currency to a bank account or digital wallet.

Harness data point reporting to fine-tune your strategy

Harness data point reporting to fine-tune your strategy

Improve your understanding of customer behaviour through our platform’s granular reporting. Tailor your strategies using insights from the data points that matter to you, such as which items users browse and their value.

Gain deeper sales insights through your reporting system

Gain deeper sales insights through your reporting system

Analyse your customer journey and metrics without logging into multiple platforms. View the latest sales data in your reporting system through our API and discover new insights to optimise your performance.

Simplify campaigns with practical support from our team

Simplify campaigns with practical support from our team

Make your campaigns more efficient with help and support from our local teams. Our experienced marketing specialists are here to answer your questions and resolve enquiries with advertisers.

Partner with major brands worldwide to boost your revenue

Discover campaigns that appeal to your audience. Work with leading advertisers, including HSBC, Samsung and Trip.com, through our easy-to-use platform.
Become one of our partners to start earning generous commissions. You’ll get practical campaign support from our teams in the UK, the Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asia and Australia.