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Content Partners

Establish new revenue streams from your trusted brand and loyal readers. Earn commissions from multiple advertisers through paid links in your content.

Choose from over 800 leading brands

Choose from over 800 leading brands

Harness the power of your content to drive sales for local and global advertisers from across our network. Connect your audience with desirable products and services from major brands in multiple verticals.

Discover the ideal campaigns for your content

Discover the ideal campaigns for your content

Explore our exclusive advertiser campaigns with a choice of payment metrics. Select the most relevant offers for your content to achieve the best returns from your partnership marketing.

Monetise your content automatically

Monetise your content automatically

Earn from your content without creating paid links by hand. Simply add organic links to your content and our automated Linkables tool effortlessly turns them into tracking links for brands in our network.

Access easy-to-use tools to create deeplinks

Access easy-to-use tools to create deeplinks

Simplify how you create paid links using a suite of practical tools. Generate tracking links from our browser extensions in Chrome and Edge, or use Optimise Assistant to build links quickly for your social content from Facebook Messenger.

Explore new opportunities to attract brands

Explore new opportunities to attract brands

Arrange deals with advertisers that will benefit from your propositions and audience reach. Our campaign experts are here to help you highlight your offerings and facilitate beneficial deals for you.

Create comprehensive content using product data feeds

Create comprehensive content using product data feeds

Develop engaging content for your audience to drive product sales. Explore the attributes of products in our detailed data feeds and create review or comparison-based articles with embedded tracking links to our advertisers.

Expert help to drive sales from your audience

Expert help to drive sales from your audience

Take advantage of our campaign expertise to bring your audience to the attention of relevant advertisers. We help you engage with the most suitable advertisers to improve your audience engagement and increase your sales.

Create new revenue streams through your brand

Create new revenue streams through your brand

Expand your content marketing with white label cashback, voucher code and coupon website solutions from our strategic partner, RewardPay.com. Reap the benefits for your brand through RewardPay's technology to white label incentive websites.

Partner with major brands worldwide to boost your revenue

Discover campaigns that appeal to your audience. Work with leading advertisers, including HSBC, Samsung and Trip.com, through our easy-to-use platform.
Become one of our partners to start earning generous commissions. You’ll get practical campaign support from our teams in the UK, the Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asia and Australia.