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How To Automatically Add Affiliate Links Into Your Content
How To Automatically Add Affiliate Links Into Your Content
Optimise Linkables is a simple but powerful tool for adding monetised affiliate links to your website or blog. Many website owners and blog authors will be adding links to a variety of sites to promote products they are featuring. Some of these may operate affiliate or partnership programmes enabling partners to earn a commission on users they refer who go on to transact on their website.
You may already be adding Affiliate links to a website or blog but this can be a time consuming process and because of this can often be left out, leading to missed revenue opportunities. By using an automated solution, such as Optimise Linkables, Publishers can ensure they're getting the maximum return from their content.
Optimise Linkables is available for free to all Optimise Publishers across UK, Middle East & Africa, India, South East Asia & Australia.
Getting Started
Getting started with Optimise Linkables is easy and you an do this in one of two ways:
Manually adding the Script
  1. Log into your Optimise Dashboard Publisher Account
  2. Navigate to Tools > Linkables and click Enable Script
  3. Copy the JavaScript code either just before the </body> tag of your code on every page or use a tool like Google Tag Manager to quickly add this to your site
Installing the WordPress Plugin
  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin
  2. Click on Plugins > Add New
  3. Search for "Optimise Linkables"
  4. Click Install
To find out more about Optimise Linkables visit https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/publishertools#linkables
Linkables is a lightweight solution and operates after the page has loaded its content ensuring that your user experience is not interrupted.
If you're not already an Optimise Publisher check out the Advertiser Directory to find out what Affiliate Programmes are available and you can join Optimise today.