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Increase efficiency with automated conversion validations
Increase efficiency with automated conversion validations

Increase efficiency with automated conversion validations

One of the most time consuming parts of running any affiliate programme on a cost per sale basis can be the need to confirm your orders. This is the process of verifying that the sales generated by your affiliates or partners have not been returned, either fully or partially and as a result are eligible to pay commissions.
Optimise provide our Advertisers with different methods of doing this that cater to your needs and the flexibility of their systems. If you're an Optimise Advertiser you might want to review your Validation options.
We know that you'd much rather be spending time nuturing your Partners and growing your campaigns performing basic administration. That's why alongside our range of automations we find that very often the biggest efficiency gains for any affiliate or partnerships campaign can be automating the validation process. With the Optimise Conversion Validation API the whole process of approving your orders & sales can be linked up to your systems and completely automated.
Getting started is easy. Follow the instructions here to generate your API key and work with your development team to review the project.