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Voucher Code – Code Of Conduct
Voucher Code – Code Of Conduct
6th March 2014
Optimise subscribes to the IAB Affiliate Marketing Council Voucher Code – Code of Conduct
This code aims to ensure that voucher codes and offer information is presented clearly to consumers and that affiliate promotional activity is conducted appropriately with the needs of consumers, advertisers as well as competing affiliates in mind.
The current code aims to maintain a clear focus on ensuring consumer transparency and aims to protect the interest advertisers by stating that:
  • Consumers must be provided with information which is true, accurate and not misleading.
  • If a consumer is required or induced to act, the consequences of that action must meet the reasonable expectations of a consumer.
  • Vouchers must only be monetised with the permission of the relevant Advertiser or any of that Advertiser’s respective licensors or licensees
  • Vouchers must only be published in accordance with the instructions of the relevant Advertiser.
A coordination procedure accompanies the code which details the complaint handling processes and states that:
On receipt of the Complaint, the Networks will enforce the Code under the terms of their agreements with Affiliates, as each of the Networks deem appropriate.